
Why am I losing Instagram followers and how can I fix it?

  I lost Instagram followers, what should I do? Why am I losing Instagram followers? Find out where your lost Instagram followers come from.     If you are looking for why you are losing subscribers and how to fix it you have come to the right place.   We give you here all the reasons that can be at the origin of your loss of subscribers. AND above all we explain how to compensate for it, whether through the use of tools such as Instaboss or more traditional methods.     Losing Instagram Followers, Why Does It Happen?   You have managed to increase the number of your Instagram followers. Have you spent hours (days, weeks and months) working on your account, but they are gradually unsubscribing and you are seeing your number of subscribers decrease?   You've read all of our posts reminding you to check out your best times to post on instagram, how to use hashtags, and the like and you're doing all of this, but your Instagra...

Why tiktok followers are very important

  Tik Tok: 3 tips to become famous and get more likes   Tik Tok is one of the most downloaded apps of 2019, it has 1 billion downloads from the Google Play Store.   Do you want to be famous on Tik Tok? Or do you want to get more followers on your Tik Tok profile?         Go to part of the article How to get more views and likes on your Tik Tok videos 1. Look attractive in your videos 2. Collaborate with Tik Tok influencers 3. Add tags to your videos Conclusion How to get more views and likes on your Tik Tok videos If you want to get more views and likes on your Tik Tok videos, use the five point system. Here's how to use these five points to make your videos more eye-catching:   Add tags to your videos: Add trending tags to get more views and exposure.       Be attractive: whoever you are, be attractive and you will get more likes and views on your TikTok videos.   Take time...